Feng Shui & Four Pillars of Destiny (BaZi)

Over 3000 years ago, the Chinese sages had discovered the secrets of human destiny codes  (BaZi) and how it correlated to the energy fields (Feng Shui) in the environment. This knowledge was recorded in classical text and handed down to their descendants with the hope that they too can learn the secrets to harnessing nature's energy to live in harmony and prosperity. According to Chinese Astrology, we are all born with a set of natal chart and luck pillars that govern our destiny for better or worse. By knowing how to analyze our natal chart in relation to the energy in our living space, we can unlock the embedded codes that hold the key to our future. These codes carry the seeds, amongst others, of our  innate characteristics, strength and weaknesses, talents and abilities, attitudes and behaviors and ultimately, our destiny. 

The secret is in this formula Yin/Yang + Time = Change

This site serves as a resource of free articles on Chinese metaphysics, especially Feng Shui and Four Pillars of Destiny (BaZi).


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